Protected: Medusa’s Resources for Private Clients
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My Ego’s Latest Anxiety Attack and the Dupe of Thought Leader Originality
I sat down recently and scrolled back three months in my task management app (Asana, if you’re wondering) and wrote down Every. Single. Task I did in that quarter. It covered three pages longhand. Then I categorized and organized those tasks and asked myself two questions: could a robot do this? Or, could I teach […]
5 Mindset Problems Blocking Your Provocative Opinions
Your opinions are important. You know this already — intellectually, at least — so why do you feel tongue-tied when it comes to going public with compelling, provocative opinions? I’m not talking about the client front. You’ve been in your industry long enough to have confident answers to client questions. But when it comes to […]
What to do When You’re Bored to Tears by Your Thought Leadership (Read this to stop crying)
There’s a boredom-with-your-own-thought-leadership emergency facing women entrepreneurs, and it’s a sadly common affliction. It feels like I’d rather rub my face against broken glass than say the same damn thing one more damn time. One colleague, the co-founder and president of a large online career community for women, put it this way: “I want my […]
The Glaring Opportunity for Excellent Thought Leadership by Women Entrepreneurs
A lot of “thought leadership” content is being created, and most of it is bad. You know this truth to be self-evident: how many times have you searched a topic, looking for new angles, insights, and ideas, only to find nearly-identical listicles titled, X Ways to Y so You Can Z? 🙄 By “bad” I […]
100: I wrote 100 Blog Posts in 100 Days!
You guys, sometimes I wasn’t sure if I was going to make it. Writing 100 blog posts in 100 days is hard! I knew that not every blog post would be “good” – that is, highly valuable to you. But many of them contain at least a “good” kernel. A of a strong opinion, a […]
92: Is THIS Holding You Back?
A couple years ago I was asked by the choral director of our community theater production to audition for a solo. Asked! I was so flattered and excited. A few days after I sang the part for her, I received an email saying… I got it! It was a bright spot in an otherwise tearful Saturday morning. […]
63: How to Write Non-Boring Thought Leadership Content
Thought leadership and promoting your business and not boring yourself or your audience to tears. Let’s talk about it. On a scale from one to ten, my colleague ranked herself a 7 in terms of getting her thought leadership out there. Why? Because of speaking events. After a few years of trying, she’s made great […]