I told the story about how my client, Ali, started her podcast by trusting and following her joy.
Another thing I love about this story is that she treated the podcast as an experiment.
No one knew if it would pay off. There was no guarantee that Ali would enjoy as much as she hoped. This is striking because a lot of marketing advice says that everything must tie to your bottom line, or at least have an outcome that moves your business forward.
This sounds like great advice, but what if it stifles creative, tenuous, joyful projects? What if you REALLY want to try something you think you’ll love, but you have no idea if it will impact your bottom line?
Maybe the answer isn’t to “ignore ROI” but to ask: “what ROI matters to YOU?” It could be “net enjoyment.” It could be “more fodder for content.” It could be “networking. Your bottom line could include more than revenues. It could also mean how you feel, hours spent working, time spent building relationships.