Someone Hates Your Thought Leadership. Here’s How to Respond.
It’s happening. People are starting not to like you. Strangers on the Internet — and people you know — don’t like what you’re saying. They don’t like your thought leadership. They dislike it enough to tell you in emails, DMs and comments (and almost certainly behind your back). It makes your face heat and your […]
Can you be TOO Authentic in your Marketing and Thought Leadership?
Yes. You can be too authentic for your audience… if ‘authenticity’ means no-filter sharing. Let me explain: What Authenticity is and When it Crosses the Line Authenticity: WTF is it? Authenticity is being the best-est, right-est, you. It’s that energizing and effortless feeling that comes when you’re with people who excite you or when you’re in the […]
The Key to Authentic Marketing for Women Entrepreneurs (this is how authentic marketing actually FEELS)
Marketing advice drives me up the wall. There’s too much, it seldom offers context, and it paints with a brush the width of the Atlantic ocean. Like this: be your authentic self. But also this: say what your customers want to hear. Which leaves women entrepreneurs confused and second-guessing themselves. Am I supposed to use my […]
A Fail-proof Process to Always Attract New Clients
How can I share my message from different angles? How can I connect with new clients and hook them through emotional connection and relevance? It’s a question my colleague asked, and if you’re an entrepreneur or leader in the women helping women economy it’s a question you’ve had, too. Not for the Coy of Heart […]
How to Create Your Thought Leader Identity while Working in Corporate
“I want to develop my thought leadership,” my friend said, “but I work full time for a company. Isn’t that a conflict of interest?” I’ve heard this question from numerous women. They do terrific work in corporate and independently, but they feel bottlenecked by two conflicting identities: corporate employee and independent thought leader. Your Career […]
Dear Allies: Perfectionism is Blocking You From Action. Don’t Let It.
Oh, perfectionism. You sneaky devil. You come in so many guises. And I have to give you credit, your latest guise is really good. I should have seen it coming. You’re wondering how I found you out? Well, let me backup. The thing is, I know you well — we’ve been hanging out for a […]
5 Mindset Problems Blocking Your Provocative Opinions
Your opinions are important. You know this already — intellectually, at least — so why do you feel tongue-tied when it comes to going public with compelling, provocative opinions? I’m not talking about the client front. You’ve been in your industry long enough to have confident answers to client questions. But when it comes to […]
What to do When You’re Bored to Tears by Your Thought Leadership (Read this to stop crying)
There’s a boredom-with-your-own-thought-leadership emergency facing women entrepreneurs, and it’s a sadly common affliction. It feels like I’d rather rub my face against broken glass than say the same damn thing one more damn time. One colleague, the co-founder and president of a large online career community for women, put it this way: “I want my […]
The Critical Imbalance Choking Your Thought Leadership
Women entrepreneurs come to me all the time and ask, “How do I find the time to create true thought leadership?” “How can I be more edgy, and write what I want?” “How do I find fresh ideas? I feel like the well has dried up.” If these questions sound familiar, you have an energy […]
How to Become the Bold, Provocative Thought Leader You’re Meant to Be
I want to talk with you about how you can make thought leadership content that draws ideal clients and partners to you like a magnet. How you can share original, thought-provoking, and valuable ideas that will make people remember and want to work with you. There’s a glaring opportunity for women thought leaders right now. […]