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Sometimes I Miss the Nine-to-Five (And What To Do About It)

There are many things I love about being a #solopreneur. I like answering to myself. I like giving my ideas legs. I like meeting people, creating things, making my own schedule, and simply trying such a venture.

But there are things I miss about the nine-to-five.  I loved working full time (not only because of the salary and benefits). I loved the people and the predictability – I knew what to expect when I got to work every morning. I loved the sense of belonging, of being on a team. Of collaborating with people, bouncing ideas off my office-mates, making decisions together. I loved the rhythm and parameters – dressing every day, going to the office, having an idea of what I would accomplish. I guess I loved that things were organized. There were often curveballs and new developments, but the basic structure was steady.

Esther Perel talks about two basic human needs: for adventure and predictability. Both can be part of self-employment and conventional employment. In my young self employment experience, there’s more adventure than stability. Sometimes I miss the stability.

But what is it that I miss, specifically? When I think about full time work, what do I remember most fondly? Can I create any of those qualities while working for myself?

People. I can find other people to share coworking space. I can set up work/study dates with friends. I can work in a cafe or library around people. I can use my network of entrepreneurs, professionals, friends and more to ask questions and get feedback.

Routine & Rhythm. I can put myself on a schedule of getting up and “starting work” at the same time every morning. I can schedule maintenance/ongoing projects for certain times, and new projects/creative work for other times.

Structure. As a solopreneur, you can do the same work from your bed in your pajamas as from a cafe in a blazer. You don’t have to go anywhere, and sometimes that feels stagnant. I can create a dedicated work space in my home. I can designate certain days to working outside of the home. I can decide not to work in pajamas.

How do you balance adventure and predictability in your life?

(photo source here.)

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Eva is the founder + CEO of Medusa Media Group and supports women through every phase of thought leadership, from developing, to writing and producing, to marketing and amplifying magnetic thought leadership content.

Eva's clients are bestselling authors, TEDx speakers, LinkedIn Learning instructors, keynote speakers, podcast hosts, and named among LinkedIn's Top Voices.

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